Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This is LOVE!

So how was Valentine’s Day? Did I receive a bouquet of roses? No. Heart shaped chocolates? No. A branded handbag? No. Perfume? No. Some other fancy gift? No. Am I upset or disappointed? No.

My husband does not believe in Valentine’s Day celebrations. He thinks it is too commercialized. Looking at the price of flowers and romantic dinners, I couldn’t agree more! But I was not saddened by it. We don’t need February 14 to DISPLAY affection and quarrel the next day.

I have been suffering from a bad backache after lifting a big pail of water when I mopped the floor last week. The household chores are shared between my husband and I mostly while the children chip in to help sometimes. My husband and my daughters knew about my suffering. However, when the weekend approached and it was time to mop the floor, it was my husband who insisted on doing the job so that I could rest my back which was still aching. Now, what do you call that, if not LOVE?!! My girls sympathized with me and offered backrubs to sooth the pain, but did not volunteer to do the painful task of mopping the floor.

What my husband did was a simple act, but it meant a lot to me. In actual fact, I don’t do the marketing; he does. I don’t pay any bills; he does. I don’t send my car for servicing, repairs and even filling up the petrol tank; he does. And he does a lot more for me.

God, how blessed I am! So if February 14 is the day to show your adoration for your loved ones, then most days are February 14 for me!!!