Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I decide to take a break from my chores, sit back on the sofa, put my feet up to rest and catch some interesting programs on TV. I understand our satellite TV Astro has hundreds of channels. But there seems to be only one ‘program’ on all the channels every afternoon – SERVICES CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE! It is a very boring show – a blank screen with only one silent and still character -a yellow dot. I don’t have the patience to leave the TV on to time how long this ‘show’ goes on everyday but I’m disappointed that I’m paying for it!

Shouldn’t we consumers be demanding compensation from Astro for such bad service? We should be getting a rebate on our monthly payment for all the NO-SHOW hours. I thought that satellite TV was a very advanced medium of communication and a result of our progress in Science and Technology (form 2 Geography!). Thank goodness I have only subscribed to the basic package in Astro and thank God for RTM – Reliable enTertainment for Malaysia. Nothing to shout about but it doesn’t let you down every time it rains.