Saturday, December 2, 2006


I try not to miss the news on TV3 at 8 pm every night. There was an item about our PM attending some function in Penang. He was being ushered on stage by a group of girls, all dressed up in traditional cloths and it was quite an elaborate display. That reminded me of an issue that I feel very strongly about - unnecessary government expenditure!

Is it necessary to have all these ceremonies? A lot of time must be spent, getting these girls ready, having rehearsals, and money spent on their costumes and other hidden costs. Is it unfasionable to get straight to the point? Can't we do away with all the pomp and pageantry? Shouldn't we be saving all that time and money for better use? Do other countries have such practices?

That brings me to another issue - most meetings held in government departments are accompanied with meals - breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, depending on time of meeting. These people who attend the meeting are doing their jobs, it is their working time and they are working. Give them a break to have their meals and be back at the meeting table. Why spend money for their meals? Do doctors and nurses have meals provided while they work? I'm not served with a meal while I work as a teacher - I pay for the food if I want to or need to eat!

Providing 'free food' is one thing, all the wasted, uneaten food is another! And to know there are so many people out there without food. I would rather my tax money be spent on them!